Our School Day & Term Dates
Term Dates
School Opening Hours
All school years
Gates open at 8:30am
Doors opens at 8:40am
Gates closes at : 8:55am
Registration: 9am
Lunch: 12.15 – 1:15pm
Home time: 3:15pm
A total of 32.5 hours per week
Any children who arrive after the registers close/gates are locked will need to be taken to the school office and they will need to sign in using the electronic sign in system. They will be marked as late.
Gates open at 9am.
Pick up at the preschool gate at 12 noon ( if staying for the morning) or 3pm if you are staying for the afternoon. or 3:15pm if you have arranged a later collection.
School Clubs
We run a changing selection across the year of free after-school clubs.
Free Clubs
Please see our current timetable below:
All sessions will run from 3:15pm until 4:15pm.
Day | Free After-School Clubs |
Monday |
Sports (Year R – 2) SATs Booster (Year 6) Forest Skills/Gardening (Year 2 - 5) Netball (Year 2 – 5) |
If you wish to sign up for clubs, please fill in the form that comes home at the start of term to make your selection. If you wish to join afterwards, contact the office on 01736 850242.
Wrap Around Care
Breakfast Club
Our breakfast club runs daily from 8am till 8:45am, offering a wide selection of breakfast food and drinks to our pupils. The pupils then also have the opportunity to play with their friends before the start of the school day. These sessions do need to be booked in advance through the MyEd app and cost £2 per day per child.
Paid Wraparound Care
We run paid wraparound care for all year groups - Reception to year 6, every day of the school week till 5pm. You can choose any of these sessions:
Options are
- Monday - Friday 3:15pm till 4:15pm - £3.50 per child per session
- Monday - Friday 4:15pm till 5pm - £3.50 per child per session
- Monday - Friday 3:15pm till 5pm - £6 per child per session
This therefore allows children to attend both a free club and still remain on site till 5pm or to attend only for 1 hour extra a day or stay till 5pm in the paid club.
We please ask that all paid sessions are booked in advance using the MyEd app at least by midnight the day before.