Everyone's Included / SEND
Kernow Learning schools are committed to the equal inclusion of all pupils in all areas of primary school life. We recognise the diverse and individual needs of all of our pupils and take into account the additional support required by those children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
'Every child can learn, just not on the same day, or in the same way.' George Bernard Shaw
All pupils are unique in terms of characteristics, interests, abilities, experience, motivation and learning needs. We value and take account of these wide diversities, providing access to high quality and appropriate education and training for all members of our school community. Our schools are committed to the full inclusion of all pupils. We ensure we support our children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to achieve their potential and become the best that they can be.
Click on the school below to view the statutory documents and staff teams working in SEND in that school.
Click on one of the links below to be directed to another page with more detailed information:
Beacon Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Kim Alway
Our Deputy SENDCo is Charlotte Collings
If you would like to speak to Kim about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept.24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Area Resource Base (ARB)
We have an Area Resource Base which is a Local Authority provision. There are places for 15 pupils.
Please click here to visit the ARB section on the classes page of our website for more information.
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found below
Enabling Every Pupil to Succeed
We are committed to enabling every pupil to succeed through accessing our curriculum. We have set out the steps we will take for all pupils in all subjects with varying needs and barriers in action. Please see curriculum documents below for more information:
Supporting Every Pupil in Computing
Supporting Every Pupil in Design Technology
Supporting Every Pupil in Geography
Supporting Every Pupil in History
Supporting Every Pupil in Mathematics
Supporting Every Pupils in Modern Foreign Languages
Supporting Every Pupil in Music
Supporting Every Pupil with PSHE
Supporting Every Pupil in Reading
Supporting Every Pupil in Science
Supporting Every Pupil in Writing
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Charlestown Primary school
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Miss Charlotte Jane.
Charlotte works with teachers, families and children to ensure that children get the best opportunities to reach their potential whilst at our school. If you would like to speak to her about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Enabling Every Pupil to Succeed
We are committed to enabling every pupil to succeed through accessing our curriculum. We have set out the steps we will take for all pupils in all subjects with varying needs and barriers in action. Please see curriculum documents below for more information:
Supporting Every Pupil in Computing
Supporting Every Pupil in Design Technology
Supporting Every Pupil in Geography
Supporting Every Pupil in History
Supporting Every Pupil in Mathematics
Supporting Every Pupil in Music
Supporting Every Pupil in Phonics
Supporting Every Pupil in Reading
Supporting Every Pupil in Science
Supporting Every Pupil in Writing
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Constantine Primary School
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Miss Charlotte Jane.
If you would like to speak to Charlotte about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - 2024
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
CPS SEN Offer Provision Map 2022 2023
Enabling Every Pupil to Succeed
We are committed to enabling every pupil to succeed through accessing our curriculum. We have set out the steps we will take for all pupils in all subjects with varying needs and barriers in action. Please see curriculum documents below for more information:
Supporting every child in Computing
Supporting every child in Design Technology
Supporting every child in History
Supporting every child in Geography
Supporting every child in Mathematics
Supporting every child in Music
Supporting every child in Phonics
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Falmouth Primary Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Jennifer Hobday.
If you would like to speak to Jennifer about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept 24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Area Resource Base (ARB) run by Special Partnership Trust
At Falmouth Primary Academy we have a 10 place class for children with complex learning needs based at our school. These currently range from ASD and speech and language difficulties. The class is led by Mrs Rebecca Kemp, who is a specialist SEND teacher and a team of four skilled teaching assistants.
Admission into this specialist class is decided by an independent LA team. Children need to have an EHC plan in place to qualify for admission. Prior to a place being awarded Mrs Kemp will arrange visits to ensure that there is a smooth transition for the child and their family. Where appropriate child are included into the mainstream school alongside their peers.
Enabling Every Pupil to Succeed
We are committed to enabling every pupil to succeed through accessing our curriculum, we have set out the steps we will take for all pupils in all subjects with varying needs and barriers in action. Please see curriculum documents below for more information:
Supporting every pupil with WRITING
Supporting every pupil with SCIENCE
Supporting every pupil with READING
Supporting every pupil with PHONICS
Supporting every pupil with PE
Supporting every pupil with MUSIC
Supporting every pupil with MATHEMATICS
Supporting every pupil with HISTORY
Supporting every pupil with GEOGRAPHY
Supporting every pupil with DESIGN TECHNOLOGY
Supporting every pupil with COMPUTING
Supporting every pupil with ART
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Foxhole Learning Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Emma Vyvyan (Maternity Cover).
If you would like to speak to Emma about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept 24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Enabling Every Pupil to Succeed
We are committed to enabling every pupil to succeed through accessing our curriculum, we have set out the steps we will take for all pupils in all subjects with varying needs and barriers in action. Please see curriculum documents below for more information:
Supporting every pupil with ART
Supporting every pupil with DESIGN TECHNOLOGY
Supporting every pupil with HISTORY
Supporting every pupil with MATHEMATICS
Supporting every pupil with MUSIC
Supporting every pupil with PE
Supporting every pupil with PHONICS
Supporting every pupil with READING
Supporting very pupil with Religious Education
Supporting every pupil with SCIENCE
Supporting every pupil with WRITING
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
King Charles C of E Primary School
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Rebecca Edwards.
Parents are welcome to make an appointment via the school office to meet with the class teacher or SENCO at any time to discuss pupil progress or how to best support their child at home.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept.23
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Enabling Every Pupil to Succeed
We are committed to our core purpose - to be a school where everyone shines.
To enable every pupil to shine through accessing our curriculum, we have set out the steps we will take for all pupils in all subjects with varying needs and barriers in action.
Supporting every pupil with ART
Supporting every pupil with COMPUTING
Supporting every pupil with DESIGN TECHNOLOGY
Supporting every pupil with GEOGRAPHY
Supporting every pupil with HISTORY
Supporting every pupil with MATHEMATICS
Supporting every pupil with MUSIC
Supporting every pupil with PE
Supporting every pupil with PHONICS
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Leedstown Primary School
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Sarah Rayment.
If you would like to speak to her about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept.24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Enabling Every Pupil to Succeed
We are committed to enabling every pupil to succeed through accessing our curriculum. We have set out the steps we will take for all pupils in all subjects with varying needs and barriers in action. Please see curriculum documents below for more information:
Supporting every pupil with ART
Supporting every pupil with COMPUTING
Supporting every pupil with DT
Supporting every pupil with GEOGRAPHY
Supporting every pupil with HISTORY
Supporting every pupil with MATHEMATICS
Supporting every pupil with MUSIC
Supporting every pupil with PE
Supporting every pupil with PHONICS
Supporting every pupil with READING
Supporting every pupil with SCIENCE
Supporting every pupil with WRITING
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Mabe Primary School
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Sarah Rayment.
If you would like to speak to her about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
The school's SEND and inclusion Governor is Daniel Smedley.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept.24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Supporting every pupil with Art
Supporting every pupil with Computing
Supporting every pupil with Design Technology
Supporting every pupil with Geography
Supporting every pupil with History
Supporting every pupil with Maths
Supporting every pupil with Music
Supporting every pupil with Phonics
Supporting every pupil with Physical Education
Supporting every pupil with P.S.H.E.
Supporting every pupil with Reading
Supporting every pupil with Religious Education
Supporting every pupil with Science
Supporting every pupil with Writing
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Sky Primary and Eden Project Nursery
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Emma Vyvyan
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
If you would like to speak to her about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
If you would like to speak to Emma Vyvyan about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment, or by emailing sky@kernowlearning.co.uk
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
St Agnes Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Acting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Emma Parris-Fitzgibbon.
If you would like to speak to her about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept 24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
St Columb Major Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Taylor. Mrs Cherry is the Assistant SENDCo who works closely alongside Mrs Taylor.
If you would like to speak to Mrs Taylor or Mrs Cherry about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept 24
Strategies for supporting pupils with SEND
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
An ambitious curriculum for children with SEND
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
St Columb Minor Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Hannah Crewsdon.
OUR SEND Governor is Roseanna Penrose.
If you would like to speak to Hannah about your child, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - 2024
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
St Francis C of E Primary School
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Rachel Marsh.
If you would like to speak to Rachel about your child, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
St Kew Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Lee-Ann Robins.
If you would like to speak to Lee-Ann about your child, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
St Merryn Primary School
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Emma Bateman.
If you would like to speak to Mrs Bateman about your child, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - 2024
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
St Newlyn East Learning Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Vicki Stavrou.
If you would like to speak to Vicki about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept 24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
The Bishops' C of E Learning Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Kim Price.
Mrs Claire Williams is the operational SENDCO.
If you are worried that your child is not happy, struggling to remember facts, always in trouble or not making progress in reading, please speak to your child’s class teacher. If that is difficult, arrange an appointment to see Mrs Price through the school secretary.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept.24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Supporting every pupil with Art
Supporting every pupil with Computing
Supporting every pupil with Design Technology
Supporting every pupil with Geography
Supporting every pupil with History
Supporting every pupil with Maths
Supporting every pupil with Modern Foreign Languages
Supporting every pupil with Music
Supporting every pupil with Physical Education
Supporting every pupil with P.S.H.E.
Supporting every pupil with Reading
Supporting every pupil with Religious Education
Supporting every pupil with Science
Supporting every pupil with Writing
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Trenance Learning Academy
Our SEND Team
Our SENDCo Lead & Designated Teacher for Looked After Children is Mrs Joe Elliott.
If you would like to speak to her about your child, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept 24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Enabling Every Pupil to Succeed
We are committed to enabling every pupil to succeed through accessing our curriculum, we have set out the steps we will take for all pupils in all subjects with varying needs and barriers in action. Please see curriculum documents below for more information:
Supporting every pupil with ART
Supporting every pupil with COMPUTING
Supporting every pupil with DESIGN TECHNOLOGY
Supporting every pupil with GEOGRAPHY
Supporting every pupil with HISTORY
Supporting every pupil with MATHEMATICS
Supporting every pupil with MUSIC
Supporting every pupil with PE
Supporting every pupil with PHONICS
Supporting every pupil with READING
Supporting every pupil with RHSE
Supporting every pupil with SCIENCE
Supporting every pupil with WRITING
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Trevisker Primary School
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Jodie Munley. Our SENDCo Governor is Natalie Green.
If you would like to speak with any of the SENDCo Team, please contact the school by contacting the school office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept. 24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Upton Cross Academy
Our SEND Team
Our Acting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Jodie Munley.
If you would like to speak with any of the SENDCo Team, please contact the School Office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept.24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Full information on how we support children with SEND in each subject of our curriculum can be found on our subject pages.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.
Wendron C of E Primary School
Our SEND Team
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Louise Patchett.
If you would like to speak to Mrs Patchett about your child, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
SEND Policies
Please find below, a copy of our combined Information Report and Local Offer, SEND Policy and a link to SEND Local Offer for Cornwall.
SEND Information Report - Sept 24
Please visit our policies page to access the SEND Policy
Enabling Every Pupil to Succeed
We are committed to enabling every pupil to succeed through accessing our curriculum. We have set out the steps we will take for all pupils in all subjects with varying needs and barriers in action. Please see our Adapted Curriculum for more information.
If you have any complaints regarding SEND provision, please refer to the complaints policy on our policies page.