Did you know 90% of an adults brain is formed by the age of 5?
This is why at Leedstown Pre-School we provide a rich and enabling learning environment with exciting and stimulating activities to help develop all areas within the EYFS. Each term we have a theme which our activities will be focused on, starting with ‘All about me’ where children get the chance to learn and share about themselves, their world and their peers.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We develop strong and supportive relationships between staff and child. This creates a safe environment where children feel secure to share how they feel. Along with adult modelling children can develop the skills needed to manage their emotions and learn how to deal with conflict.
Communication and Language Development
Through a mix of child and adult led activities children can build their language and communication skills with storytelling, role play and conversation. We have a cosy book corner and a role play area, which we change to suit children’s interests. These are great areas where staff can expand on children’s vocabulary.
Each morning we have carpet time, where children can learn conversation skills such as listening and turn taking. Here children can express their interests and create stronger relationships with our staff and their peers. To ensure our children are engaged and excited about learning we adapt our activities to follow their interests.
Physical Development
Here at Leedstown Pre-school we are lucky to have a wonderful secure outdoor area, which we make full use of and where children are encouraged to explore large movements and be active. Our indoor space has dedicated areas - construction, art, role play, water, book/sensory corner and a ‘tuff’ table for our messy play. These areas are continually changed so it never gets boring!
Phonics and Numeracy
Whilst we love to learn through play, we also take part in small group activities looking at phonics and numeracy. Children will extend their literacy skills through the ‘Read Write Inc’ program.
During the summer term we start preparing our children who will move into our Reception Class by introducing the RWI phonics scheme. We teach the children some of the skills they will need in order to begin learning the sounds quickly once they enter Reception. Some of the things we teach are:
The silent signals
The picture names for each sound – m=mountain s=snake
Fred Talk (oral blending)
Good listening skills
Throughout the year we continually share high quality stories and endeavour to instil a love of learning. For more information on how you can support your child reading at home please see https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/early-reading-skills-age-3-4/